
domenica 7 aprile 2013

Bmw contro Lada...

6 commenti:

  1. La Bmw sembra essere quasi raddoppiata in dimensioni.

    1. Anche Angela Merkel è raddoppiata in dimensioni. Dubito che 30 anni fa, quando era cittadina della DDR dove si faceva una vita semplice e con molta ginnastica, la futura cancelliera poteva andare in giro con un sederone come quello che ha oggi...

    2. Proprio "povera" non direi :-)
      Ecco quello che riporta
      Angela Merkel net worth: Annual Salary as Chancellor of Germany: $283,608 USD - Marital Status: Married
      Most powerful woman on the planet according to Forbes (2010) and Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel has estimated net worth of $11.5 million. Angela Merkel oversees Europe’s largest economy.Renowned free-market champion and favorite of big business, boasts nine public companies with annual sales in excess of $70 billion.
      Born July 17, 1954 in Hamburg, Germany. The daughter of a Lutheran pastor and teacher, Merkel grew up in a rural area north of Berlin in the then German Democratic Republic. She studied physics at the University of Leipzig, earning a doctorate in 1978, and later worked as a chemist at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences (1978–1990).
      In 1990 she joined the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) political party and soon after was appointed to Helmut Kohl’s cabinet as minister for women and youth. Following his defeat in the 1998 general election, she was named Secretary-General of the CDU. She was chosen party leader in 2000 and ran unsuccessfully for chancellor in 2002. In the 2005 election she narrowly defeated Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, winning by just three seats, and after the CDU agreed a coalition deal with the Social Democrats (SPD), she was declared Germany’s first female chancellor. Merkel is also the first former citizen of the German Democratic Republic to lead the reunited Germany and the first woman to lead Germany since it became a modern nation-state in 1871.

    3. Dai, va bene, avete vinto voi! Mi mancano le parole :P


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